Significant policy impact is expected due to strategic partnership, actively involved in high-level inter-ministerial BIOEAST Initiative composed of 11 East European Agriculture Ministries and supporting institutes. Besides policy and business sector, civil society will benefit from lower dependency on fossil-based products and improved use of bio-based products. Project will transnationally test, develop and upscale solutions for bio-based value chains design.
It will change behaviour of citizens to use, produce and validate bio-based products in contrary to current use of fossil-based products. Activities will also analyse CE bioeconomy policy measures, develop strategy and action plan, propose and mainstreams effective bioeconomy measures within Common Agriculture Policy 2023-2030.

Project will develop:
- Intersectoral cooperation procedures for transnational bioeconomy value chain design;
- Protocol for human-centred validation of bioeconomy products;
- Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan with proposed measures for CAP.
Outputs will result in new transnational bioeconomy value chains, bioeconomy products validated by end users and bioeconomy measures integrated in policies of Eastern CE countries.
Durability of project results and lasting policy change will be ensured by high level policy partners and associated partners (6 national Ministries and 5 policy advisors to ministries).
Transnational cooperation is crucial because BIOECO-UP will complement BIOEAST Initiative with bioeconomy experiences from Austria & Italy and provide transnationally tested solutions including policy measures ready to be up-taken by Agriculture Ministries.
Project duration: April 1st 2023 – March 31st 2026.
- Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture LP Magyarország
- Bay Zoltan Nonprofit ltd for Applied Research
- Austrian Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research
- Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Department of Industrial Chemistry
- Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
- Agricultural Research, Troubsko
- Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation Research
- Institute for Circular Economy
- Institute for Sustainable Development
- University of Ljubljana
- Bioeconomy Cluster
- Croatian Chamber of Agriculture
Total budget: EUR 2,342,315.00
Interreg Fund: EUR 1,873,852.00
Partner project budget: EUR 202,815.00
ERDF co-financing for partner: EUR 162,252.00
Partners' own co-financing: EUR 40,563.00
Project BIOECO-UP is supported by the Interreg programme Central Europe and co-funded by the European Union.
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